
從英國回台後 我曾試著找與研究所所學相關的工作,


1. 景氣不好?(市場風險無法被排除,導致我這支績優股被大盤帶動表現不好 XD)

2. or 我太久沒有進職場?(少了氣勢跟自信)

3. or 我真的不夠專業(畢竟我實在太貪心 念的東西太多元-雖然我個人覺得都是企業經營息息相關的重要領域-勞動法令、企管、財

    務- 不過看樣子似乎公司不這麼認為) 

4. or 我正逢適婚年齡(有某大公司「女性」主管在面試時說,我的年齡很尷尬->是暗示我要生小孩會請產假的意思? 但弔詭的是,


5. or 面試技巧有待加強(我真心覺得「面試」這種過程真的很弔詭的) 



不過「勝者為王敗者為寇」 對於我這個面試輸家,講什麼可能都是藉口

但我只能說 在花了「三個月」找工作之後(有人可能會覺得3個月找不到工作其實算短)

以及 花了「三個月苦讀考國考」的漫漫人生後

我終於找到了人生第一份人資工作(但因為後來考上國家考試,沒想到這便是我人生唯一一份人資工作  T_T)






Anyway, 不管是大公司還是小公司,「外勞」一直是被視為「特定族群」,通常他們是公司「大夜班」的主力,比本國勞工好用















第三便是Boss說他會在下面聽 -_-||


所以我就擬了一個稿,感覺好像在寫essay =.=



Good morning/ afternoon
Thank you for coming today

As you may know, Jenny has resigned recently; therefore I will fill her shoes to take care of you.
First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Afra. I have studied abroad for around one and half years and just come back Taiwan this Jan. Having such experience makes me understand how difficult it might be to live in a foreign country. However, I hope you can keep in mind that no matter what happened, don’t give up communication or look for assistance. Jash, Marichu, Belle, even other senior co-workers, they might be the one who can help tackle your problem with their experience. So don’t feel embarrassing or shy to speak out your problem.

Another important thing I want to mention in today’s meeting is that….
As you may recall, several months ago we do some survey of your opinion on broker service satisfaction. Today I want to make a brief report about the result of evaluation. The details of the result will be announced following today’s meeting.

Overall, the problems you responded in the questionnaires can be divided into two parts.
One is about the facilities in dorm. Some of you point out that the facilities were not fixed in time. Regarding to this problem, we have requested dorm management company to pay more attention to this matter. To make sure your living environment is comfortable and friendly; we will keep tracing their progress of improvement by including this issue as one of the assessment item in the next evaluation.

Another problem is that the execution of livelihood management regulations (handbook or dormitory management) is too strict. Regarding this issue, we do hope you can understand that the company’s policy and principle is to provide a healthy living environment. To achieve this goal, the dorm’s supervisor and coordinators must follow the procedures(SOP)to make sure everything goes well. Similarly, as a part of company, you also have the responsibility to follow the rules and their instructions. Hence, on this matter we hope everyone can consider their difficulties and respect their profession.

Finally, on behalf of HR department, I would like to appreciate your long-term cooperation and contribution to our company, for the past, the present, and let’s look forward to a future, with more positive interaction and smoother communication. Again, if you have any problem at work or in life, please feel free to contact us. We would continue to do our best to help you.


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