意外在Youtube聽到這首由Troye Sivan所唱的"For them"
I was touched at that time so I write down the lyric word by word
突然間 我得到了一個答案 一個一直困惑著我的問題的答案
人究竟為何而存在 after suffuring all the pain which one has no choice but has to bear
我想everyone exists for a reason
即便是這個世界上 struggle to 生活在人間煉獄的人們
For the poor, their existence is to teach those living in a better life the virtue of charity and to remind them to treasure what they have had throuh a way of so called "a living hell"
人因相互比較而有進步 也似乎因相互比較而感到知足 漸而失去向上追求進步的動力
一個人的生活態度與思考邏輯 就總而言 還是決定了他的行為和生活模式
積極而正面的人 因比較 而 向上看齊 向下同情 珍惜所擁有並有所行動 "比較"使他們產生為better life努力的動力以及為那些相較生活在不好環境的人做出一些改變世界的行動
消極而負面的人 因比較 而 對自身所擁有感到不滿 對自己的人生感到無奈 無法意識自己比別人幸福許多 又因為無法意識到 而不會去思考是否要make a difference for them for the whole world
也許我們都該思考what kind of people we are
"For them" sung by Troye Sivan
Yesterday I heard the news
That 4 million Russian children are homeless
They've been abandoned by the people they trust
Now their cold and lonely lives are hopeless
children of the world are dying
People say they care
They're lying
If this life was theirs
They'd be crying
Is it really fair we're not trying
Yesterday I read the news
That 20 million Asian children are homeless
They've been abandoned by the people they love
They've been beaten down so hard they can't get up
children of the world are dying
People say they care
They're lying
If this life was theirs
They'd be crying
Is it really fair
children of the world are dying
People say they care
They're lying
If this life was theirs
They'd be crying
Is it really fair we're not trying
Life is beautiful for some
Life is beautiful for us
Life isn't beautiful for them
Maybe life can beautiful again for them
- May 01 Fri 2009 03:35
Why do I exist?